Friday, June 29, 2012

Forsyth Park is a Beautiful Savannah Natural Attraction

Savannah is a town of amazing natural beauty. Strolling through our streets is a refreshing experience. While many U.S. cities are more concrete than green, our town was designed around green space. As you make your way throughout Savannah's Historic District, you will notice the 'squares': signature landmark green spaces built into the very plan of our city. Almost every nine-block area contains one 'square' of green space in the middle - think of them as mini-parks. However, as you explore the Historic District further, you are bound to run into a massive green area in the center of town. This 20-acre area is known as Forsyth Park, is the center of many of our city's outdoor events, and is used by residents and visitors alike for outdoor activities.

With a history dating back to the early 1700s the original park lands were home to much of our earliest British and European settlers, and later hosted Civil war encampments before settling into the role of parade grounds, and then to the Forsyth Park we know today. The park itself was created in the 1840s when William Hodgson, who thought that the city needed a park, donated 10 acres of land. In 1851 the park was expanded to 30 acres after a donation of land by Georgia Governor John Forsyth, and the park was subsequently named in his honor.

In 1858, the park became home to a Parisian-inspired cast iron fountain designed to resemble the structure at Place de la Concorde. This same fountain still stands on the north end of the park today. Each year, the waters at Forsyth Fountain are colored green for Saint Patrick's Day to commemorate Savannah's strong Irish heritage, and is one if the park's most-visited attractions.

The center of the park is home to the Confederate Memorial Statue to commemorate those who gave their life fighting for the Confederacy during the Civil War. The park is also home to a one-mile walking/skating/biking path that passes beneath moss-draped oaks, an amphitheater, an amazing-smelling garden for the blind, tennis and basketball courts, large grassy areas for picnics and social sports, the Savannah Shamrocks Rugby Club's home field, and Savannah's official Christmas tree in December.

The park is located in Savannah's Historic District, surrounded by bordered by stately mansions lining Gaston Street on the north, Drayton Street on the east, Park Avenue on the south and Whitaker Street on the west. On any given day at the park you may see wedding tents, outdoor concerts, soccer tournaments, exhibits, and tennis matches. You will definitely see plenty of people and lots of natural beauty!

If you are planning a Savannah getaway, Forsyth Park is definitely a sight to see during your time here! Our member innkeepers can give you additional ideas of places to explore within the park, and will have your cozy room ready for your return.

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